She is part of us and we are part of her. She is aware. She is intelligent. She is on a mission, and we are part of that mission.

Ibiza Imbolc Immersion with Mateya Triglav, 30.1. – 3.2.2025

For more detailed information, please contact me.

Spring equinox retreat in Sardinia with Alchymila, March 2025. More information coming soon.

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“I had the honor of working with Tomáš in a group and being guided by him in Brána’s sacred sites, as well as experiencing both individual work and partnership work with him. His sensitivity, love for the Earth and open heart gave me a huge amount of wisdom, respect and a new perception of myself, relationship with my partner and relationship with the Earth. His guidance is always precise, clean and so true. He is to me the embodiment of a Being who has a beautiful grasp of his gifts, his mission, and the humanity that is so necessary in all of this. I wholeheartedly recommend Tomáš’s work, because it carries such a huge reach, depth and purity, which is very rare. Tomáš is able to transfer insights into a partner relationship in neutrality, which destroys any attempt to fight. His love for the Earth is so great that it heals any resistance to it and opens the Gateway to a deep connection to the rhythms and heartbeat of the Earth. And what he brings to individual work is a great sense of security, a safe space and a kind guidance through the inner landscape of one’s shadows and light. There is much more, but words cannot convey the experience.”

Adriana Akaael Jančeková, guide

“I recently had the pleasure of going on a hike with Tomáš in Ibiza, and it was an unforgettable experience. His expertise in land reading and earth sensing is truly remarkable. Throughout the hike, Tomáš shared his extensive knowledge about the natural landscape, making the journey both educational and inspiring. His wisdom and passion for the environment are unique, and it made the hike not just a walk through nature, but a deep dive into the earth’s secrets and a journey of self discovery. I highly recommend Tomáš for anyone looking to connect with nature and oneself on a profound level. Thank you for this amazing adventure!”

Félix, co-founder of

“Tomas will bring you through an epic journey of wisdom and self-discovery by connecting in such a profound way with the earth. Be ready to connect with nature in a magical way you never thought was possible, yet that will feel so familiar. Your only responsibility is to allow yourself to feel, and be completely opened.”

Mika, co-founder of

“My name is Maroš. I do business and live in Slovakia. After several successful Ayahuasca ceremonies, I decided to undergo the ceremony of the most powerful psychedelic in the world, Bufo Alvárius. I had a natural respect for ego disintegration. After all, who doesn’t? The disintegration of the ego can also be called death. I am convinced that the one who will be with you in this dramatic moment is a very important element of the whole ceremony. Your overall experience depends on it. I would call Bufo death and rebirth within a few minutes of life.
I met Tomáš for the first time in August of this year based on a reference from a very good friend of mine who recommended him to me. After our mutual acquaintance, I received an invitation to an individual Bufo ceremony at Brána (the Gate). From the first moment I entered to Brána and saw Tomáš, I was convinced that I was in the right place with the right person. The cosmic energy that spreads throughout this space can be felt absolutely everywhere. From Tomáš as a person, an energy waterfall literally boils into this worldly space.
The Bufo experience is indeed non-transferable. And it’s hard to describe yourself in the words used in this world. But I’m glad that I got to know the strongest experience in my life with Tomáš. I am glad that I met Tomáš – a divine person. If any of you will have the same honor of knowing him as I have, he will not leave you in any doubt that Tomas works for the forces of good on this planet.”

Maroš Štúrik, entrepreneur

“Priestor Brány ku mne volal už niekoľko rokov a Moja zvedavosť spojená s navnímaním správnosti Času ma priviedla k spojeniu sa s Tebou Tomi a tomu aby som ju mala možnosť spoznať skrz Tvoje oči tými Mojimi.

Nechal si v celom priestore Brány velikánsky otlačok tvojho hlbokého spojenia s Prírodou, Bytosťami aj Elementami. Na každom mieste cítiť každou Bunkou, že Brána je Bytosť.

Bytosť Žijúca jej Životom s Láskavým tlčúcim Srdcom a Dušou.

Tvoje sprevádzanie ma po jej Miestach mnou Plynuli a Pracovali na rôznych úrovniach. 

Vnímala som tvoju Posvätnosť, hlbokú Lásku a vašu vzájomnú prepojenosť, odkazy ktoré aj skrz teba a jej Sily ku mne prichádzali. Tvoje rozprávanie bolo veľmi jemné, Láskavé a napojené na Prírodné zákonitosti a srdce Zeme.

Ďakujem, že som mala možnosť stretnúť sa s tebou, že som sa aj cez teba mala možnosť zoznámiť s magickou Bytosťou Brány a že som mala možnosť uzrieť Kňaza Zeme aj ktorým si 🐚.”

Zuzana Akbal